Monday 21 November 2011

Ideas for My Video!

To get the ball rolling, I came up with 3 different ideas for what I could do in my music video. I included some basic shot composition techniques and plot line information to give a clearer vision of what my ideas were like.

I will jointly decide alongside input from my team of 4 Further Research participants which idea will be the most effective to do - and then a detailed plan will be developed. Click to enlarge my ideas for my info (shot types/locations/timings etc.)

Idea 1: Girl is lonely after being alienated by her friends. A guy friend then invites her up town to join with a group of friends. They have a great time, but the girl starts to worry about how late it is… the guy convinces her in the end that things will be fine.

Idea 2: Girl is involved in a secret undercover life. By day, she is a usual teen. But by night, she is an unstoppable and faultless vigilante. Or so she thought...

Idea 3 to follow.

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