Tuesday 22 November 2011

Past A2 Media Video - Blur: Boys and Girls

First things first. I've been looking for this song for ages - because it is actually brilliant! This is a music video produced by a A2 Media Student... and I think it's actually quite good.

  • The whole idea of the "gender swap" is one that has been executed really quite well. 2:36-2:52 is a good example of what the opposite sex would conventionally do. The 1st shot is something convenionlly associated with the ladish behaviour of a guy. The pouting and checking your appearence is something typically females do more than males as they worry about their appearence more.
  • Lyrics/Video link is something that is common place throughout the entire video. The "streets like a jungle" lyrics links to the image of the 2 guys going across the road. "Take your chance" lyric links to a picture of someone filling in lottery tickets.
  • The practice of on the beat editing is strong and correctly used in time with the music around 75% of the time.
  • Use of visual effects was good as we had the guy running in front of the animals @ 0:40 (if not abit random with the colour adaption @ 0:47/2:14). The dancing arms at 0:25 were quite cool too!
  • Lip-sync (1:52) is strong and well edited

  • The shots where lots of people are going through the doors - I just don't understand it's purpose!
  • The lip sync shots occur too frequently, and as such get quite boring after being used on the same lyric, with the same style shot (close up) over twice in the nearly 4 minute video.
  • Some of the dancing is abit random, and it really doesn't seem to be a) planned out or b) have a purpose!

1 comment:

  1. How has analysing this music video informed your own planning? Is there anything particular you will take from it - even if it's something you definitely won't be using?
